I copyed this from my facebook but thought it would be fun to put here for those of you who do not follow facebook. I would love to hear 25 random facts about you if you would like to take the challenge. It is a fun way to get to know each other.
1. I broke both my arms in kindergarten when I fell off the swing. It is a really funny story you should ask me about it sometime.
2. I love musicals. Yes, I love it when people randomly start singing and dancing.
3. I burp alot. I have passed this amazing talent on to my 3 girls and the smallest one burps the loudest.
4. I love piano music and wish I could play.
5. I hate having dirty hands, which is probably why I am not a fan of camping.
6. I do not like water being thrown in my face...it makes me very, very angry.
7. I love cotton candy and french fries.
8. I really like candles especially ones that smell like cinnamon.
9. One of my favorite things is new socks...if I were rich i would wear a new pair everyday.
10. I love reading...it is one of my favorite things to do. Curl up under a warm blanket and do nothing all day but read, with new socks on of course, a perfect day.
11. I wish I could sing...I like to sing but really am not any good.
12. When I was 10 I fell off my pony and dislocated my elbow...the most painful experience of my life.
13. I love the smell of hay.
14. I like to people watch and then talk to my best friend Connie about the funny ones!
15. I started a musical theatre company for youth with my friend and we are now in our 6th
16. I went to BYU-I when it was Ricks College.
17. I want to learn how to use my new Nikon D-70.
18. At my high school there were racial riots and I had to hide under a table in the cafeteria to avoid being hit by a chair. You see we couldn't escape out the cafeteria doors because they were blocked so we had no choice but to fight or hide. I hid...yes I am a chicken.
19. I love teenagers. I really like working with them. I would much rather work with teens then little kids.
20. In the last 3 years I have become an ardent fan of acapella music. Especially a group called Noteworthy. Who just happen to be the 2007 world champions of collegiate acapella.
21. I am lactose intolerant.
22. I like to watch reality TV.
23. I love to listen to the sound of waves crashing on the beach.
24. I go to wal-mart at least once a week and I prefer it over target.
25. I have just wasted a really long time doing this...when I should be doing something productive like cleaning my house.
P.S. I am putting a plug in for my daughter Courtney's blog. She just posted a really great post and you should go read it. Her blog is listed on the side under my favorite blogs "snap, crackle, pop". Check it out.