Monday, March 22, 2010

Where does the time go & Service is great!

Junior Prom

I just can't believe that Ciara is old enough to go to Jr. Prom. Where has the time gone? She is turning into such a beautiful young woman inside and out. I am not ready for her to grow up. Anyone know how to stop time?

Ciara getting ready


A couple of weeks ago we went and worked at an elementary school up in Granite Bay for a few hours on a Saturday morning. We raked, hauled dirt and bark, pulled weeds, filled the play area with new bark and then we got 4 tickets do the happiest place on earth! Yes, we volunteered for Disney's "Give a Day, Get a Day" program. It was a great to give service and it will be great to go to Disneyland so basically a win, win!

See all that bark - basically Ciara and I raked out all that bark and made it look all new and pretty.

WE had to move all that bark into the play area and rake it out. And when we started the hill of bark was way taller. And also here is Ciara shoveling dirt. She looks thrilled doesn't she?

Stephen, Marissa and Ciara shoveling and moving dirt. David and the Larsen kids weeding the ball diamond. They did that for about 2 1/2 hours!


Lisa said...

another beautiful jensen girl! have fun in disneyland!

~Stappsters~ said...

I'm going to Disneyland and Julia is doing an internship there this Fall!!! I will be going a lot! You have a beautiful Ciara!