This is a picture at one of the many rest areas we stopped at. Ciara ran up to the top of hill where you can see those rocks way in the back.
This is a picture of Courtney's apartment
This is a picture of Katies room. Not sure if you can tell but if you look closely you will see her bedspread -- this is one that she got from Grandma Jensen. She didn't want a new one she specifically wanted to take the one grandma made for her. If you look out her window you see campus. She is right across from the Harris Fine Arts building. And really close to the Wilkinson Center.

Katie's kitchen and living room. As you can tell it is pretty small. She has been doing alot of cooking though. She made meatloaf one of the first nights for all her roomies and a couple of other friends. It was a big hit. Her and roomies often cook together. Katie is also taking a cooking class which she is pretty exicited about.
Katie got a job at the creamery which is about 2 minutes from her apartment. She works at the grill making burgers etc. and she scoops ice cream as well. The creamery is always busy so she says the time passes really quickly and her left arm was very sore for the first few shifts. She is now a pro. This picture I took on her very first day and she was making her very first burgers. She looks like a pro already. I am pretty sure I embarrased her but it was fun.

Here we are trying to help Katie find where her classes are the day before her first day of classes.
Yeah, I guess we all have very different opinions on where she needs to go. We also made a trip to the bookstore. Can you say "expensive"? I can't believe how much books cost. Just for one of katies' classes the books were $300.

The trip was fun. It was so great to get to see Courtney and Katie. They went back to Provo in June to work and so I hadn't seen them in 3 months. They are both doing so great. Both love school and feel really blessed to be able to be at BYU.